Dietary Approach to Kidney Stone Prevention
This blog is part of a series discussing our integrative approach to kidney stone prevention and…
The 5R Protocol Part 3: Reinoculate
This is part of a series of blogs discussing an individualized comprehensive gut restoration…
The 5R Protocol Part 2: Replace
This is part of a series of blogs discussing an individualized comprehensive gut restoration…
Impact of Climate Change on Kidney Health
When a large number of young agricultural workers in Central America started developing kidney…
CoQ10 and Kidney Health
Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10), also known as ubiquinone, is an often forgotten about fat-soluble nutrient…
The 5R Protocol Part 1: Remove
This is part of a series of blogs discussing an individualized comprehensive gut restoration…
Kidney Associated Drugs-Nutrient Interactions
Micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) are essential for every structure and function in the human…
Comprehensive Gut Restoration and Progression of CKD
This is part one of a series of blogs discussing comprehensive gut restoration protocol and the…
Kidney Stones: The Integrative Approach to Prevention and Management
This blog is the first in a series discussing our integrative approach to kidney stones prevention…
Sleep and Kidney Health
Many Americans report difficulties with sleep. Do any of these sound familiar? Regularly…
Lifestyle Modifications for Polycystic Kidney Disease
The phrase “our genes are not our destiny”, describes how nutrition and lifestyle factors can have…
Vitamin K in Vascular, Kidney and bone Health
Vitamin D gets a lot of attention these days, not only for its roll in bone health, but also due…
Arsenic and Kidney Health
You might be surprised to learn that arsenic is micromineral naturally found in our food and in…
Vitamin D and Kidney Health
Kidney disease (KD) is associated with changes in bone health and mineral balance. Vitamin D is a…
Feeding Gut Bacteria in Kidney Disease
Our gut is home to 100 trillion beneficial bacteria and what we eat has a tremendous impact on…
Love, Social Relationships and Kidney Health
Love is good for our kidney health! Human beings flourish from social relationships and…
Pharmacogenomics: Advances in Individualized Treatment in Kidney Disease
According to a report by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 2.2 million adverse drug…
The Age-Related Kidney Decline: Role of Nitric Oxide and Arginine
In the early 1950’s, researchers declared that age-related kidney decline reduced function at a…