Our Latest Blogs


Polycystic Kidney Disease Genetics

Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is the most common inherited kidney disease affecting one in 800…

Couple jogging

June Research and News

The Role of Dietary Fiber Supplementation in Regulating Uremic Toxins in Patients With Chronic…

Genetics and Kidneys

Genetics of the Gut-Kidney Connection in Kidney Stones – Beyond the Microbiome

Kidney stone formation is a complex disorder influenced by multiple factors including diet,…

Stress and Kidney Health

Stress and kidney health

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is rapidly becoming a global health problem. The prevalence of CKD…

Clinical genetic testing

Clinical Utility of Genetic Testing for Kidney Transplant Evaluation

Genetic testing for patients with kidney disease can have a remarkable impact on their care. The…

Glass of water

May Research and News

Sex-specific Associations of Sex Hormone Binding Globulin with CKD and Kidney Function: A…


Dietary Phosphorus and Kidney Health

One of the most harmful nutrients to the kidney is phosphate.  Yet, the body needs phosphate for…


FAQs About Genetic Testing for Kidney Disease

Genetic testing for patients with kidney disease can have a tremendous impact on their care. The…

The Many Benefits of Exercise for CKD

The Many Benefits of Exercise for CKD

Exercise may be one of the most underutilized yet effective interventions for the prevention and…

Woman exercising

April Research and News

Association of Physical Activity and Poor Health Outcomes in Patients With Advanced CK Here, it…

Genetic testing

Genetic testing in kidney disease

Current evidence suggests that genetics play a role in the development of kidney disease. Common…

March Research and News

Only Hyperuricemia with Crystalluria, but not Asymptomatic Hyperuricemia, Drives Progression of…

lead exposure and kidney health

Lead Exposure and Kidney Health

About 700,000 individuals are affected by chronic kidney disease (CKD) throughout the world. In…

February Research and News

Modifiable Lifestyle Factors for Primary Prevention of CKD: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis…

Genetics of Chronic Kidney Disease

Genetics of Chronic Kidney Disease

Perhaps the most significant advance in kidney disease in the past few years was the use of…

Yoga and Meditation for Kidney Health

Yoga and Meditation for Kidney Health

It is well-established that yoga and meditation provide numerous health benefits. In previous blog…

uremic toxins and the dysbiosis cycle

The Gut-Derived Uremic Toxins

The kidneys are considered the filtration system for various byproducts and toxins. Chronic kidney…

improve my sleep

How I Managed to Improve my Sleep

I have suffered from an acute sleep disorder for many years. My sleep issues began with difficulty…