
April Research And News

We combed through multiple medical journals looking for the latest research on Integrative approach…

Root Causes of Itching in Kidney Disease

Root Causes of Itching in Kidney Disease

Itching is a common symptom of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Also called uremic pruritus, this…

March Research and News

March Research and News

We combed through multiple medical journals looking for the latest research on Integrative approach…

Nine Ways to Naturally Stimulate the Vagus Nerve, Lower Stress, and Promote Kidney Health

Nine Ways to Naturally Stimulate the Vagus Nerve, Lower Stress, and Promote Kidney Health

Emotional stress has been associated with faster progression of chronic kidney disease (CKD). This…

How To Improve Kidney Function with a Morning Routine

How To Improve Kidney Function with a Morning Routine

Perhaps the most important factor to improve kidney health is the way you start the day. There are…

December Research and News

December Research and News

Once again, we combed through multiple medical journals looking for the latest research on…

October Research and News

October Research and News

We combed through multiple medical journals looking for the latest research on the Integrative…

The Many Benefits of Exercise for CKD

The Many Benefits of Exercise for CKD

Exercise may be one of the most underutilized yet effective interventions for the prevention and…


The Microbiome and Kidney Stone Formation

This blog is part of a series discussing our integrative approach to kidney stone prevention and…


The 5R Protocol Part 5: Rebalance

This is part of a series of blogs discussing an individualized comprehensive gut restoration…


The 5R Protocol Part 3: Reinoculate

This is part of a series of blogs discussing an individualized comprehensive gut restoration…

Climate change

Impact of Climate Change on Kidney Health

When a large number of young agricultural workers in Central America started developing kidney…


The 5R Protocol Part 1: Remove

This is part of a series of blogs discussing an individualized comprehensive gut restoration…

Feeding Gut Bacteria in Kidney Disease

Comprehensive Gut Restoration and Progression of CKD

This is part one of a series of blogs discussing comprehensive gut restoration protocol and the…

Feeding Gut Bacteria in Kidney Disease

Feeding Gut Bacteria in Kidney Disease

Our gut is home to 100 trillion beneficial bacteria and what we eat has a tremendous impact on…