Gum disease

Can Gum Disease Cause Kidney Problems?

Over 700 species of microbes reside in the mouth. As is the case for the gut microbiome, some…


April Research And News

We combed through multiple medical journals looking for the latest research on Integrative approach…

Root Causes of Itching in Kidney Disease

Root Causes of Itching in Kidney Disease

Itching is a common symptom of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Also called uremic pruritus, this…

March Research and News

March Research and News

We combed through multiple medical journals looking for the latest research on Integrative approach…


The 5R Protocol Part 3: Reinoculate

This is part of a series of blogs discussing an individualized comprehensive gut restoration…


The 5R Protocol Part 1: Remove

This is part of a series of blogs discussing an individualized comprehensive gut restoration…